Category: Hanga | Create

4 facts about Myanmar

Task description : Today I finished my 4 facts about Myanmar. I had to watch  a video about Myanmar. Then I had to write 4 facts about  Myanmar. These  facts might help you to learn more about Myanmar. When I watched the  video I learnt more about Myanmar. This activity was easy because  I had to write 4 facts.

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Teachers and Students maths,

Task description:On Thursday  we had to do a teachers and student maths. Me and Alex were the teachers for our group and we had to teach Corey and Ava-Lee.We had to help them answer the questions.We wrote questions for them to answer.I did  Ava-lee and Alex did Corey . For Ava-lee it was easy for her so I did some harder questions and it was challenging for her. As a  teacher it can get really hard for the students to teach who don’t understand the questions. This was fun learning and teach students.

Wonder writing

Once upon a time there was a group of Meerkat that their favourite thing was to run around in an oval like a racing track. For days and days in the hot weather. They hunt for water in the desert in Africa. Scared of humans they make these burrows to hide from humans. One day their jaws dropped and some were shocked. Army of insects walk and walk. The leader of the meerkats told all of them to eat the insects. It was really a lucky day for them . They made burrows to sneak up on them. They fetched and ate them until they were full. For at least  one week they couldn’t eat or drink because of how full they were for  the insects. The leader of the Cheetah was  surprised at how full the meerkats were.

Do we show emotion

Task description: Today I finished my inquiry activity. First we went outside and played a game. One person would get chosen to be the person who acts a emotions and you have to guess it, if you get it correct you become the person.I had a lots of fun  playing and doing this activity. I felt super happy because we played a game.