Month: November 2022

Alien writing

One time the earth got sick because people on the earth was throwing rubbish.A family was trying to help the earth by cleaning rubbish.When the moon saw the earth sick she said “How did you get sick he said “people are throwing rubbish on the ground.The moon was shocked.On the news they said that the earth is getting sick.When everyone heard it went and pick up rubbish and put it in the bin. The earth was happy and got all the rubbish and made stars for the moon.The moon was amazed when she saw the stars that the earth made for her.The sun was huge and the earth was small.The earthen was scared of sun because it was huge the him.The sun said “Why are you scared of me the earth said “because you are huge.Earth was the smallest planet in the family,He didn’t no all his family.His mother was the Moon and his father is the Sun.There eat nothing because they are planet.He was 6 years old.His birthday is in four days.Now he now his family.He  played soccer with her sister Neptune.His family are kind to him.He was a pro at soccer because his brother  Jupiter was his couch.When he turn seven he was taller than his sister.He wanted to have a phone so he was helping people and he was saved money for his phone he wanted a blue samsung 22.His family was a huge fan of iPhone but he is  a Samsung fan.He had his own bedroom. Now he has money to buy a phone