Day: October 19, 2023

Lego challenge recount

Beginning: We went to make  the table for  the lego challenge. We started to make the  side so the platform can fit on top. I said “we should put some stuff on the table after “. Mckayla went to get a bowl of legos for us to use to upgrade our  furniture.  Mckayla was the only one to get the lego because she was short. We had a look at  ours and saw what more detail to  put   on our table. Then  Pauliasi put some  detail on the table like a  tv. I put a keyboard,a mouse and a light. My group’s table looked like a gaming table  with gaming stuff on it. Alex  was  just playing with legos and annoying us. We all laugh at Pauliasi jokes. We didn’t have enough time to attach a  camera to our table.We tried to look for that one piece to finish  our table. We finally  finished our  build.



Middle: Mrs Moala to us to bring our second shortest person to come to get colours from the book bag. Mckenna put out red and blue. Mrs Moala said to make another furniture if you want to. So we all think about a chair to make. Me and Pauliasi imagine what it would look like.  We started, we had a good base for it to  start. Then we wanted to see what we had.


End: When Pauliasi saw my work,we worked on it to make it better . Because it was good and nice. We added some cabinets  on the side of the chair. We added a nice design at the top of the chair. We loved how it turned out and

Pauliasi smiled at each other. I felt happy and tired because we had to make a furniture while we got to play with lego.

       The end!