A spy mouse


                                                   John the spy  mouse


John plans a heist to go and get  cheese for himself. He looked  at all the houses on Mount Wellington Highway but not this good looking house. He  sneaked up to the window and he saw some cheese but it had a trap. John quickly   jumped because the owner was coming to the window . John  went to the other side and  dug a hallway through the wall.  Luckily his drill was quiet  because John’s group  made it. When they made the hole  John went through and checked if there was any  place to get the cheese without getting killed. It  was dark for him to see anything so got his touch and turned it on. When he looked up he  saw a hole at the top. John had to figure out a way to get there. He  went to the hole and dug more room for him to live there. He built a stairs to go up to the  ceiling and dug another hallway to the hole that he saw. He said to his  manager “ I have a good view to get the cheese but the owner is on the couch in the living room” then the manager replied “ just go fast and get it before he gets there”. John attached the rope to the hook. When he went down he screamed “ahhhhh!” and the owner was like “ who is screaming in my house.  He went for it and got the cheese and quickly went back. Then he told his manager to come through the hallway into the room. They all had a slice of cheese and  Coke Cola. The manager and his group decided to live there and plan their heist. John got  a certificate for being the best thief of the team and helping the team when they were starving. The owner  put cheese on the trap again and everyone died but not John. Then he decided to ask the owner if he wanted to keep him as a pet. After 13 years John became strong and he was only 15 years old. Then it was  his birthday and he got a little car  for him to drive. When The owner asked where his friends were and  John said ” they died in that mouse trap you put”. The owner felt sad for him so he bought 3 more mouse   for john to play with. When he played with is new friends  they decided to play some football.


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